Partial dentures are a great option if you are looking to fill a few gaps in your current smile and obtain the teeth you’ve always wanted. Partial dentures are fully removable and the dental apparatus simply attaches to your existing teeth. It is also more cost-effective than permanent implants which can cost a fortune.

If partial dentures are something you are considering, here are a few things you can expect after getting them.

They will feel a little strange initially until you get used to having something new in your mouth. As they are an addition, it will take time for the partial dentures to feel natural. It is normal for them to feel bulky at first but over time, they will feel perfectly fine and comfortable. It is also very normal for you to have to practice putting them in and removing them until you figure out how to do so without forcing them in place or inserting them too roughly. The last thing you want is to bend or break the attachments!

Eating will also be tricky at first, but over time, it will feel completely normal. Once your partial dentures are in place, it would be wise to start with soft foods that can be cut into small pieces until you get the hang of it and can go back to your regular food routine. Avoid hard foods until you’re ready and if necessary, you can use a little bit of adhesive if you like to help the dentures stay in place. Your dentist will provide you with all the necessary information regarding this matter and as long as you follow the instructions, you will be just fine!

Some people will experience difficulty with their speech as with the other aspects mentioned above, this too will fade over time and you will feel comfortable talking again in a short period of time. A great trick is to read out loud to yourself and practice words you are having difficulty with and you will see that you will be speaking comfortably again in no time!

While you can sleep with your partial dentures in place, it is a better idea to remove them at night so that your gums can relax and you can insert them again in the morning. Placing the dentures in water or a solution overnight will help maintain its shape. Cleaning your dentures is always a good idea. In fact, you could say it’s a must. This will ensure the longevity of the dentures as well as good hygiene which is always a plus.

Vancity Dental will help you get the smile you have always wanted! If you are looking for a dentist or a new dental clinic in the Vancouver area, then Vancity Dental is who you need to contact! Whether you require cleaning, dentures, crowns or implants, they will take care of all your dental needs! Don’t waste any more time and give them a call today so you can start showing off your beautiful smile! You can visit their new dental clinic, which is located in Vancouver, BC.

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