A simple way to bring a more youthful look to your face is by whitening your teeth. Over time, the things you eat or drink can cause your teeth to become increasingly yellow no matter how diligent you are with brushing. As long as your gums and teeth are strong and healthy, you should be able to safely whiten your teeth. Your dentist at Vancity Dental can examine your mouth before you begin any type of whitening process to ensure it is a safe and comfortable option as your health is always the top priority.


Avoid stainers

Smoking is harmful to our health in a number of ways, but it is especially damaging to the colour of our teeth. The tobacco in cigarettes leaves a brown stain that penetrates the enamel of the tooth, making it difficult to remove with regular brushing. Coffee, tea, and wine are also known teeth-staining culprits, so keep consumption at a minimum. You could also use a straw when sipping these drinks and try not to hold it too long in your mouth while drinking. Remember, anything that can stain a white cloth can stain your teeth.


Whitening toothpaste

Using a product on a regular basis will amount to small, gradual improvements in the appearance of your teeth. Even though all toothpastes have polishing abilities, whitening toothpastes have added polishing chemicals to accelerate the process. There are also whitening rinses that can reduce surface stains on your teeth. Because these products are over-the-counter, results will be minimal and take some time to be noticeable.


A professional touch

The quickest way to a whiter smile is to have your teeth professionally whitened using an in-office laser treatment. Your dentist will apply a protective substance over your lips and gums before administering professional-strength whitening gel. The gel is then activated using a special laser that penetrates the enamel of your teeth. This treatment is ideal for patients who have a special event fast approaching and need their teeth whitened quickly. In just one visit, your teeth could lighten by several shades.

If you have a few weeks to spare, or prefer to whiten between dentist visits, you could opt for custom-made home whitening kits. This is the most convenient way to keep your teeth shiny and bright with quick results. We can supply you with a custom-fit tray specific to your unique teeth, along with professional-strength whitening gel that you can safely apply by yourself. Simply wear the trays with the gel inside for a few hours each day or even overnight and watch your smile gradually whiten. In just two weeks you will see the full effects of the treatment. How long it lasts will depend on your habits as consuming staining beverages will yellow your teeth quicker.

We can recommend how often you should whiten your teeth and which methods are best for you during a consultation based on your lifestyle. Having crowns, fillings, bondings, and anything else in your mouth will also impact which whitening approach is best for you. Expert advice is important when it comes to your health, so do not hesitate to make an appointment and talk to your dentist about your concerns.

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