Taking Care of Your Teeth as You Age

Taking care of your teeth is important at any age, but it becomes even more important as you start to get older because of the different factors that can lead to additional oral health problems. Many of these factors may not have been an issue before, but the older you get, the more responsibilities you will have in regards to dental health. Taking care of your gums and teeth must be a priority so that you avoid deterioration and pain, which can occur as you age. 

Teeth are naturally strong, but over time, your oral health will decline for a number of reasons, including grinding, gnawing and crunching. Acidic foods, lack of fluoride and tobacco use will also contribute to the decline of your teeth. The reality is that the older you get, the more wear and tear your teeth will experience. 

Cavities must be addressed immediately because those over the age of 65 are very susceptible to them because of the natural weakening of the enamel. While you can’t slow down this process you can help by brushing and flossing regularly and taking advantage of fluoride found in toothpaste and mouthwash. 

For many seniors, medications become a part of their routine because as you age, you will face more health problems. While medication helps, it also impacts your oral health because it causes dry mouth, which is a common side effect. Lack of saliva will cause your mouth to feel uncomfortable, lead to bad breath, cause difficulty swallowing and increase the risk for tooth decay, cavities and gum disease. Drinking more water is important and will help with these issues. 

As you age, it’s also common to experience reduced nerve sensitivity, making it more difficult to detect pain or discomfort. This means that a problem may become a lot worse before you are able to notice it and this is never good when it comes to oral health because early detection is crucial and can make a big difference. For this reason, regular checkups are extremely important so that your dentist can monitor your mouth and detect any problems you may not notice right away. This will also allow them to fix it before it gets worse. 

Brushing and flossing twice a day should be a mandatory part of your daily routine and as much as it helps to do this at home, professional cleaning by a reputable dentist will make a world of difference. Dentists can complete deep cleanings that you would not be able to do on your own and their knowledge allows them to detect problems early on. 

Vancity Dental is a wonderful dental clinic in Vancouver, BC, that can help keep your mouth and teeth healthy. They can also help with teeth whitening and offer Invisalign, so for all of your oral health needs, contact Vancity Dental today!

Related: Signs a Toothache is more than just a Toothache.