Do’s and Don’ts After Whitening Your Teeth

There are many reasons you might consider having your teeth whitened, the most common being a boost of self-esteem. Everyone wants to feel good in their own skin and their body, this is why teeth whitening services are available for anyone who has struggled with oral hygiene over the past few years. Many people who brush their teeth constantly still manage to have yellow teeth because they either drink too much coffee or eat too much acidic food. You should know things after you have your teeth whitened, and this is to make sure your money does not go to waste.


Always make sure to have good oral hygiene before seeking teeth whitening services near the area you live in. If you have struggled with being able to keep up with brushing twice a day or flossing, you should start now if you want your teeth whitened. This is only to ensure that your money won’t go to waste and that your enamel will not begin to wear down. It is best to go to your dentist for a cleaning before you have your teeth whitened. They will give you information regarding the health of your teeth and whether there is potential tooth decay. They will also inform you if you have an oral disease, which is not safe to do teeth whitening with.


Do not ever try to whiten your own teeth with weird DIY tricks that you may have seen on social media. When you try to whiten your own teeth this way, it can cause more damage to your teeth. There are some products that people use that can actually decay their mouth’s enamel and bone structure. Some people even try to use baking soda and lemon to strip the stains on their teeth, this only ruins your enamel more. Try not to have your teeth whitened often, this can make them more sensitive which outweighs the good from bad.

Teeth whitening services are great if you want to feel confident again, although you cannot do it if often it is a great service to lighten your smile a bit at a time. Teeth whitening services give you the self-confidence that you have been missing, so you don’t have to be afraid to present projects in front of co-workers or classmates. If you are looking for Invisalign, teething whitening or dental clinics in Vancouver, make sure to contact Vancity Dental.