Invisalign is growing in popularity because it is a great alternative to traditional braces and provides patients with excellent results. Inblog1 – visalign can help you achieve a better smile by straightening your teeth and increasing your confidence.


In order to achieve the perfect smile, you must care for your teeth while wearing Invisalign so that there are no problems once the treatment is complete. The last thing you want to deal with is tooth decay, so you need to clean your teeth regularly and thoroughly to prevent this from happening. Waiting for straighter teeth is exciting but caring for your teeth is extremely important so that you can enjoy the results and show off your new smile.

The following tips will help you care for your teeth properly while wearing Invisalign:

Remove your trays

One of the biggest differences between Invisalign and traditional braces is that Invisalign braces are removable, whereas regular braces are not. While it’s important to remove the trays only when necessary, removing them while eating is a must. This will ensure food does not get stuck, which can lead to problems. You should also remove your trays while you’re cleaning your teeth so that you can have access to every tooth and area inside your mouth. This can allow for a thorough cleaning because you’ll be able to get into all the hard-to-reach areas.

Brush your teeth normally

This is extremely important and you must continue brushing your teeth as you normally would. This means doing it twice a day using a soft-bristle toothbrush and a fluoride toothpaste to brush all of the surfaces of your teeth. Ideally, this should be done after every meal but if that is unrealistic, try drinking water every time you are done eating because this will help get rid of extra food on your teeth. Allowing carbohydrates to remain on your teeth may lead to tooth decay.

Don’t forget to floss

Flossing is equally as important as brushing, so you can’t forget to complete this step. Traditional braces can make this task difficult but Invisalign makes it a lot easier to do thanks to its removable design. Flossing can be easy to do and you will more than likely be able to remove all of the bits and pieces of food that are stuck in between your teeth.

Make sure you clean your trays

This is a very important step because it can prevent bacteria from accumulating on your trays while keeping your teeth free from excess foods as well. You can place the trays in a tub with cleaning crystals for 15-minutes at a time, which should leave your trays clean or you can ask your dentist for other cleaning methods.


If you are interested in Invisalign, Vancity Dental can provide you with more information. Our dental office can help you achieve the perfect smile, so whether you want teeth whitening treatments or are looking for reputable dentists in the Vancouver area, we can help! For the best dentists in all of BC, contact us today!

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