Dental Care For Seniors

Dental care should never be neglected, no matter your age. While many people associate tooth loss with ageing, many seniors now more than ever are keeping their natural teeth longer and that is partially due to practicing good oral health. Good oral habits can go a long way regardless if you have natural teeth, dental implants or dentures. Below we list some reasons why dental care is so important for seniors.

Oral Care And Your Overall health

Researchers have found a link between a number of diseases that can impact seniors’ health. Undiagnosed periodontal disease can increase the likelihood of developing heart problems such as heart disease, respiratory disorder and even stroke.

What Are The Symptoms Of Periodontal Disease? 

  • Itching, swollen and bleeding gums 
  • Loose teeth 
  • Shifted teeth 
  • Bad breath 
  • Receding Gums 
  • Dry Mouth 

Dry Mouth And Senior Citizens

Dry mouth is not only a symptom of periodontal disease, but it’s also an uncomfortable condition that is popular among senior citizens. It can be caused by medications or health treatments like radiation therapy that is usually undergone by cancer patients.

Sensitivity And Senior Citizens

As we age, so do our teeth and they may become more sensitive over time. Gums naturally recede over time, and ex[pse the parts of your teeth that are not protected by enamel. If you are experiencing sensitive teeth, you should try using an antigenicity toothpaste. If the sensitivity persists you should schedule a visit with your dentist because sensitive teeth could be a sign of bigger issues, such as cavities or cracked/fractured teeth.

Maintaining Good Oral Health Is About Prevention

The key components of maintaining good oral health are regular teeth maintenance (i.e. regularly visiting the dentist, and regular brushing and flossing). 

For extra protection, we suggest the following:

  • Get an antimicrobial mouthwash, which will help prevent and fight off periodontal disease.
  • Get a water flosser or one-handle flosser to help you remove food or debris stuck in between your teeth. 
  • Get a powered wide handle toothbrush that will allow you to brush at the suggested 45-degree angle.
  • Clean your dentures regularly (twice a day) with warm water and brush them with denture paste.
  • Make sure that you are replacing your dentures every six to seven years.
  • Track any changes in your mouth and make sure to bring up any areas of concern with your dentist.


For all of your oral health needs, look no further than Vancity dental. Our team of highly qualified dentists aim to help you get your oral care on track. Despite the current state of your oral health, we can help diagnose your concerns, and help you determine the best course of action. Contact us today!

4 Tips for Winter Oral Care

Caring for Sensitive Teeth

When eating ice cream, popsicles, or drinking cold beverages, you may find that your teeth experience sharp and aching discomfort. If that’s the case, try not to suck in cold air when you’re outside in the cold. You can also use a specially formulated toothpaste (specific for sensitive teeth) or rinse out your mouth with saltwater. Using a softly bristled toothbrush helps with avoiding any agitation to your gums. You also want to avoid highly acidic foods. If you find yourself grinding your teeth at night or in general, consider getting a mouthguard.

Cold Sores

There are several reasons that cause cold sores. Cold weather, a weak immune system, stress, and fatigue are just a few things that may signal you have a cold sore. If you feel like one is starting to formulate on your mouth, do whatever you can to keep your hands away from your mouth. Generally speaking, bacteria are literally everywhere. No matter how many times a day you wash your hands or take a shower, we are all constantly in contact with bacteria. The last thing you want is to make the cold sore worse by touching it. Make sure you put a lip ointment or topical treatment to stop it from getting worse.

Chapped Lips

This is one of the most common ailments people deal with during the winter. There are several different remedies for chapped lips, including staying hydrated, using a humidifier, moisturizing, etc. The best option is to invest in a lip balm that contains SPF+ in order to ensure they’re protected. It’s also important to remember that your body moisturizes from the inside out. With that being said, make sure you’re staying hydrated and drinking anywhere between three to four litres of water a day.

Taking Care Of Your Cavities

It’s easy to get lost in the sweets that are offered to you during the winter/holiday season. It’s one of the things everyone looks forward to. But be careful! Too much of these sweet treats can result in a trip to the dentist that isn’t so pleasant. The best thing you can do is ensure you brush two to three times a day, floss after every meal. Drinking water will help you rinse away the particles and keep you hydrated, so why not knock to birds out with one stone. Certain foods can help improve the calcium levels of your teeth, including cheese, vegetables, and fruits.

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