5 Stellar Reasons To Whiten Your Teeth

Everyone chooses to whiten their teeth for different reasons, and some may do it for confidence purposes or to show their smile at work or school. Everyone thinks that they have some features that are not good enough or things they wish they could change about themselves. As important as it is to be yourself and embrace your own body, when it comes to teeth, there is a way that you can make them look more healthy. Whitening your teeth gives you the chance to have the confidence wheel you are in public settings. You definitely will not be afraid of presentations at work or school anymore.

  • It’s an unfortunate fact, but as you age, so does your body. This means that your teeth will potentially wear down their enamel and become yellow. At the same time, some things are avoidable while aging; teeth whitening will help you improve the looks of your oral hygiene and health.
  • There are many times you will have to attend events. This is when you would feel stuck in a serious problem. There is nothing more upsetting than showing up to an event or celebration in a beautiful dress, suit or gown but having a smile that you are afraid to show. We think that your smile is what lightens up people’s days. That is why teeth whitening services help you gain back that confidence.
  • Make a positive impression with white and shiny teeth. This will help people know that you care about your self-image. People want to hire or be friends with people who know how to take care of themselves.
  • You have a chance to undo the past when you choose to do teeth whitening, especially if you were a person who did not take care of their oral hygiene or health. Many people tend to avoid brushing their teeth and doing basic things to keep them healthy. If you were one of these people, teeth whitening gives you the chance to start over and be more careful with your body.
  • You can get teeth whitening done to make yourself happy and confident. There is nothing more powerful than having the feeling that you are in control of your own life. White smiles can be nice for your career, or they can even make you feel less scared when presenting in front of classmates.

Teeth whitening services have become a larger trend in many adults, teens and even the elderly. Everyone deserves to have the confidence to build their lives and make a grand appearance at work, school or with friends. If you are looking for dentists or teeth whitening in Vancouver, contact Vancity Dental.

Do’s and Don’ts After Whitening Your Teeth

There are many reasons you might consider having your teeth whitened, the most common being a boost of self-esteem. Everyone wants to feel good in their own skin and their body, this is why teeth whitening services are available for anyone who has struggled with oral hygiene over the past few years. Many people who brush their teeth constantly still manage to have yellow teeth because they either drink too much coffee or eat too much acidic food. You should know things after you have your teeth whitened, and this is to make sure your money does not go to waste.


Always make sure to have good oral hygiene before seeking teeth whitening services near the area you live in. If you have struggled with being able to keep up with brushing twice a day or flossing, you should start now if you want your teeth whitened. This is only to ensure that your money won’t go to waste and that your enamel will not begin to wear down. It is best to go to your dentist for a cleaning before you have your teeth whitened. They will give you information regarding the health of your teeth and whether there is potential tooth decay. They will also inform you if you have an oral disease, which is not safe to do teeth whitening with.


Do not ever try to whiten your own teeth with weird DIY tricks that you may have seen on social media. When you try to whiten your own teeth this way, it can cause more damage to your teeth. There are some products that people use that can actually decay their mouth’s enamel and bone structure. Some people even try to use baking soda and lemon to strip the stains on their teeth, this only ruins your enamel more. Try not to have your teeth whitened often, this can make them more sensitive which outweighs the good from bad.

Teeth whitening services are great if you want to feel confident again, although you cannot do it if often it is a great service to lighten your smile a bit at a time. Teeth whitening services give you the self-confidence that you have been missing, so you don’t have to be afraid to present projects in front of co-workers or classmates. If you are looking for Invisalign, teething whitening or dental clinics in Vancouver, make sure to contact Vancity Dental.

At-Home Oral Healthcare Tips

Oral healthcare is very important, and a good at-home oral hygiene routine is a must so that your teeth and gums stay healthy. Self-care is something you need to take very seriously, and the following tips will ensure you have a healthy mouth:

Clean Your Toothbrush

A lot of people focus only on their teeth and forget about their toothbrush, but this can be problematic, so make sure you spend some time cleaning your toothbrush. Always wash your hands with soap before and after you touch your toothbrush, as this will avoid spreading anything to or from your mouth. You should also always rinse your toothbrush before and after every use to soften the bristles and eliminate any food particles or hardened toothpaste from the previous use. You can do this by holding your toothbrush under hot water to eliminate germs and disinfect it.

Brush Your Teeth Twice A Day For Two Minutes

This is a rule you must follow so that you brush properly. Always use a clean, soft-bristled toothbrush and if you are using a manual one, make sure you hold it at the right angle and brush gently in a circular motion. If you prefer an electric toothbrush, brush gently in a gliding motion and make sure you brush every tooth. Regardless of the type of toothbrush you use, you need to brush for two minutes to ensure your teeth, gums, and tongue are all clean.

Follow Your Routine

No matter how busy and hectic life gets, it is very important that you stick to your routine. This is the only way your mouth will remain healthy, so do not skip this task because you need to brush your teeth every morning and every night. It’s also a must that you floss because brushing alone will not help keep your mouth healthy. You need to brush and floss daily because debris and plaque will collect between your teeth, and flossing will help clean the hard-to-reach areas. Flossing will also lower your risk of developing gum disease and heart disease, so it is very important that you include this step in your daily routine.

Limit Your Consumption Of Sugary Snacks And Acidic Beverages

These foods and drinks will harm your teeth and will impact your oral health negatively. Acid will wear away the enamel on your teeth, so you will no longer have a protective layer, and cavities will form as a result. This is a serious issue that can lead to a number of problems but limiting acidic drinks, and sugary foods will prevent this from happening.

Change Your Toothbrush Regularly

This should be done every three months so that your brush cleans your teeth effectively.

If you want a bright and beautiful smile, the dentists at Vancity Dental can help! Whether you need teeth whitening or a regular check-up, our clinic does it all, so if you are in Vancouver, BC, give our office a call today!

What’s the Difference Between an Orthodontist and a Dentist?

Orthodontists and dentists do share some similarities, although they are different professions. They both help patients achieve beautiful and healthy smiles but do this differently. Dentists cover a wide range of oral health issues like cavities, gum disease or missing teeth, while orthodontists focus solely on tooth and jaw alignment. Orthodontists are dentists who continued their training in an accredited university for an additional three years and specialize in orthodontics. They are qualified to provide treatment options that can help straighten a patient’s teeth. Often, dentists and orthodontists work together to provide patients with the best possible results when it comes to the appearance and health of their teeth.

There are a few key differences between orthodontists and dentists and the following information will clarify these aspects:


Dentists must complete a general dental degree and are in charge of your overall dental health. They can provide a number of different services, including dental cleanings and tooth repair but do not deal with braces or aligners. If a patient needs orthodontic treatment, their dentist will refer them to an orthodontist.

Dentistry is more of a broad medical specialty that deals with the teeth, gums, nerves and jaw. Dentists encourage good oral hygiene and provide services that can help with tooth decay, root canals, gum disease, crowns, bridges, veneers and teeth whitening.


Orthodontists must complete a dental degree followed by a three year specialist degree. They are experts in facial growth and dental development and are specialists in tooth and jaw alignment. They can provide a number of different treatments, including retainers, clear aligners and traditional braces. They will help you pick the option that is most suitable for you by providing their professional opinion.

Orthodontics is a specialty branch within dentistry that focuses on the straightening of teeth and the correction of bites and occlusions. They specialize in the alignment of teeth and provide services that can help with crowded teeth, overbites, underbites and, of course, misaligned teeth. Most people who require orthodontic services have crooked teeth but orthodontists can do more than just help with this and can assist with overcrowded teeth, crossbite and spaces between teeth. They can also help with the treatment of temporomandibular disorders and any additional problems with the patient’s jaw.

Both orthodontists and dentists help patients improve their oral health. While they focus on different aspects, the goal is to keep your teeth healthy. All orthodontists are dentists; however, not all dentists are licensed orthodontists, so make sure you clarify this information before asking a general dentist to complete orthodontic work.

Vancity Dental in BC can help with all of your dental needs. Whether you are interested in Invisalign or want teeth whitening, our dental office can help, so if you are in the Vancouver area and are looking for a reputable dentist, give our office a call today!

Invisalign is growing in popularity because it is a great alternative to traditional braces and provides patients with excellent results. Inblog1 - visalign can help you achieve a better smile by straightening your teeth and increasing your confidence.   In order to achieve the perfect smile, you must care for your teeth while wearing Invisalign so that there are no problems once the treatment is complete. The last thing you want to deal with is tooth decay, so you need to clean your teeth regularly and thoroughly to prevent this from happening. Waiting for straighter teeth is exciting but caring for your teeth is extremely important so that you can enjoy the results and show off your new smile. The following tips will help you care for your teeth properly while wearing Invisalign:

Remove your trays

One of the biggest differences between Invisalign and traditional braces is that Invisalign braces are removable, whereas regular braces are not. While it’s important to remove the trays only when necessary, removing them while eating is a must. This will ensure food does not get stuck, which can lead to problems. You should also remove your trays while you’re cleaning your teeth so that you can have access to every tooth and area inside your mouth. This can allow for a thorough cleaning because you’ll be able to get into all the hard-to-reach areas.

Brush your teeth normally

This is extremely important and you must continue brushing your teeth as you normally would. This means doing it twice a day using a soft-bristle toothbrush and a fluoride toothpaste to brush all of the surfaces of your teeth. Ideally, this should be done after every meal but if that is unrealistic, try drinking water every time you are done eating because this will help get rid of extra food on your teeth. Allowing carbohydrates to remain on your teeth may lead to tooth decay.

Don’t forget to floss

Flossing is equally as important as brushing, so you can’t forget to complete this step. Traditional braces can make this task difficult but Invisalign makes it a lot easier to do thanks to its removable design. Flossing can be easy to do and you will more than likely be able to remove all of the bits and pieces of food that are stuck in between your teeth.

Make sure you clean your trays

This is a very important step because it can prevent bacteria from accumulating on your trays while keeping your teeth free from excess foods as well. You can place the trays in a tub with cleaning crystals for 15-minutes at a time, which should leave your trays clean or you can ask your dentist for other cleaning methods.   If you are interested in Invisalign, Vancity Dental can provide you with more information. Our dental office can help you achieve the perfect smile, so whether you want teeth whitening treatments or are looking for reputable dentists in the Vancouver area, we can help! For the best dentists in all of BC, contact us today! Caring for Your Smile While Wearing Invisalign

Dental Care For Seniors

Dental care should never be neglected, no matter your age. While many people associate tooth loss with ageing, many seniors now more than ever are keeping their natural teeth longer and that is partially due to practicing good oral health. Good oral habits can go a long way regardless if you have natural teeth, dental implants or dentures. Below we list some reasons why dental care is so important for seniors.

Oral Care And Your Overall health

Researchers have found a link between a number of diseases that can impact seniors’ health. Undiagnosed periodontal disease can increase the likelihood of developing heart problems such as heart disease, respiratory disorder and even stroke.

What Are The Symptoms Of Periodontal Disease? 

  • Itching, swollen and bleeding gums 
  • Loose teeth 
  • Shifted teeth 
  • Bad breath 
  • Receding Gums 
  • Dry Mouth 

Dry Mouth And Senior Citizens

Dry mouth is not only a symptom of periodontal disease, but it’s also an uncomfortable condition that is popular among senior citizens. It can be caused by medications or health treatments like radiation therapy that is usually undergone by cancer patients.

Sensitivity And Senior Citizens

As we age, so do our teeth and they may become more sensitive over time. Gums naturally recede over time, and ex[pse the parts of your teeth that are not protected by enamel. If you are experiencing sensitive teeth, you should try using an antigenicity toothpaste. If the sensitivity persists you should schedule a visit with your dentist because sensitive teeth could be a sign of bigger issues, such as cavities or cracked/fractured teeth.

Maintaining Good Oral Health Is About Prevention

The key components of maintaining good oral health are regular teeth maintenance (i.e. regularly visiting the dentist, and regular brushing and flossing). 

For extra protection, we suggest the following:

  • Get an antimicrobial mouthwash, which will help prevent and fight off periodontal disease.
  • Get a water flosser or one-handle flosser to help you remove food or debris stuck in between your teeth. 
  • Get a powered wide handle toothbrush that will allow you to brush at the suggested 45-degree angle.
  • Clean your dentures regularly (twice a day) with warm water and brush them with denture paste.
  • Make sure that you are replacing your dentures every six to seven years.
  • Track any changes in your mouth and make sure to bring up any areas of concern with your dentist.


For all of your oral health needs, look no further than Vancity dental. Our team of highly qualified dentists aim to help you get your oral care on track. Despite the current state of your oral health, we can help diagnose your concerns, and help you determine the best course of action. Contact us today!

4 Tips for Winter Oral Care

Caring for Sensitive Teeth

When eating ice cream, popsicles, or drinking cold beverages, you may find that your teeth experience sharp and aching discomfort. If that’s the case, try not to suck in cold air when you’re outside in the cold. You can also use a specially formulated toothpaste (specific for sensitive teeth) or rinse out your mouth with saltwater. Using a softly bristled toothbrush helps with avoiding any agitation to your gums. You also want to avoid highly acidic foods. If you find yourself grinding your teeth at night or in general, consider getting a mouthguard.

Cold Sores

There are several reasons that cause cold sores. Cold weather, a weak immune system, stress, and fatigue are just a few things that may signal you have a cold sore. If you feel like one is starting to formulate on your mouth, do whatever you can to keep your hands away from your mouth. Generally speaking, bacteria are literally everywhere. No matter how many times a day you wash your hands or take a shower, we are all constantly in contact with bacteria. The last thing you want is to make the cold sore worse by touching it. Make sure you put a lip ointment or topical treatment to stop it from getting worse.

Chapped Lips

This is one of the most common ailments people deal with during the winter. There are several different remedies for chapped lips, including staying hydrated, using a humidifier, moisturizing, etc. The best option is to invest in a lip balm that contains SPF+ in order to ensure they’re protected. It’s also important to remember that your body moisturizes from the inside out. With that being said, make sure you’re staying hydrated and drinking anywhere between three to four litres of water a day.

Taking Care Of Your Cavities

It’s easy to get lost in the sweets that are offered to you during the winter/holiday season. It’s one of the things everyone looks forward to. But be careful! Too much of these sweet treats can result in a trip to the dentist that isn’t so pleasant. The best thing you can do is ensure you brush two to three times a day, floss after every meal. Drinking water will help you rinse away the particles and keep you hydrated, so why not knock to birds out with one stone. Certain foods can help improve the calcium levels of your teeth, including cheese, vegetables, and fruits.

Related: Should You Consider Cosmetic Dentistry?

Advantages Of Single-Tooth Dental Implants

Unfortunately, losing one or two adult teeth is a common, unfavourable part of ageing. This is a frustrating occurrence and can extend beyond being just a cosmetic issue to a painful, daunting oral health issue. Failing to have the missing tooth replaced can cause further damage. That is why many choose to have a single-tooth dental implant procedure to replace the missing tooth to restore their smile, confidence and oral health.

If you have lost a tooth or need to have one extracted, it is important to understand how and why a single-tooth dental implant is a viable solution for you.

Single-Tooth Dental Implants Explained

Dental implants are an effective, long-term solution for missing or extracted teeth. The dental treatment involves the use of a titanium rod that is fastened into the jaw in the remaining hole from the extracted or missing tooth. Joined to the top of the titanium rod is a “saddle” for a crown. The crowns are custom-fitted and applied to the area perfectly and the colour of the implant successfully matches the shade of the rest of your natural teeth. Single-tooth dental implants are so popular and successful because it is a quick procedure that can be completed in one dental appointment.

Advantages of Single-Tooth Dental Implants

Single-tooth dental implants and dental implants, in general, offer several benefits compared to other teeth replacement treatments. Here are a few of the advantages of this dental implant procedure:

  • Improved Speech: When you lose a few teeth or have dentures that do not fit your mouth properly, you may find yourself slurring your words or mumbling. Dental implants will not slip in your mouth to cause you to slur as the implant is anchored in.
  • Improved comfort: Having a hole in your mouth can make the area susceptible to bacteria and foods, which can build-up inside and cause an infection. The single-tooth implant is secured into the area which eliminates your discomfort and prevents the disease from developing.
  • Easier eating: It can be difficult to chew properly and comfortably with missing teeth and irritate the hole where the tooth used to be. Chewing can be extremely difficult and uncomfortable, but with the dental implant that functions exactly like the rest of your teeth, you can enjoy eating your favourite foods without a problem.
  • Convenience: Removable dentures are an annoyance because they are removable! Anchored down, durable dental implants stay secured so you do not have to worry about them falling out when you are eating or speaking. You also do not have to be worried about the messy adhesives that dentures require to keep them secured.


Vancity Dental is a comprehensive dentist clinic in Vancouver, BC, committed to providing our patients with full-service dental care. From general, restorative, cosmetic and emergency dental care, our dental clinic covers it all! Our team of dental professionals is committed to enhancing your smile, improving your oral health and helping you achieve optimal dental health every day! Book your appointment with us today.

Related: What are Invisalign Attachments?

How to Insert and Remove Your Invisalign

If you’re having trouble inserting and removing your aligners, you’re not alone and it’s actually quite common for patients to have difficulty putting them in and also taking them out. The right information will help make both tasks a breeze so keep these tips in mind so that you know exactly what to do!

When it comes to inserting your aligners, the first thing you need to know is that you have to start with your front teeth first and then work your way towards the back. Only when the tray is covering your teeth fully and properly should you proceed by using your thumbs to seat them firmly in place. If after doing this you still feel as though it’s not perfectly seated do not try to bite it into place regardless of how tempting or easy it may seem because this will cause your aligners to break or bend, both of which you definitely want to avoid. Instead of biting, use a soft chewing device, known as chewies, to help you seat them properly. 

It’s also very important to remember not to force anything because this too will result in damage. If you feel as if your aligner feels strange or just doesn’t fit right, it’s possible that it may have folded which is common. If you see that this is the case, simply remove it and unfold the area so that it’s facing outwards and try again. Unfold it gently and this should do the trick.

When it comes to the removal of your aligners you must do the opposite; start at the back and work your way forward. The trick is to flick the tray downwards using your finger which will release it making it a lot easier to get a hold of. You must do this on both sides of your mouth and if you feel that the tray has been released you’ll then be able to grab both sides and pull it down and forward over each of your teeth. Doing it gently is the key so that it’s done correctly and applying unnecessary force is never the answer as it can result in a torn aligner or possibly even break off any attachments you may have on your teeth.

Every patient is unique but we all have difficult or crowded areas in our mouths and gently rocking or wiggling the tray to remove it from these challenging areas will help. Another thing you should keep in mind is that a dry mouth makes the removal process a lot easier so do your best not to drink something right before you remove your aligners as this will make things more challenging.

Vancity Dental is an experienced and reputable dental clinic in Vancouver, BC who can help answer all of your Invisalign and teeth whitening inquiries. For a dentist, you can trust contact us today!

Related: What are Invisalign Attachments?

Taking Care of Your Teeth as You Age

Taking care of your teeth is important at any age, but it becomes even more important as you start to get older because of the different factors that can lead to additional oral health problems. Many of these factors may not have been an issue before, but the older you get, the more responsibilities you will have in regards to dental health. Taking care of your gums and teeth must be a priority so that you avoid deterioration and pain, which can occur as you age. 

Teeth are naturally strong, but over time, your oral health will decline for a number of reasons, including grinding, gnawing and crunching. Acidic foods, lack of fluoride and tobacco use will also contribute to the decline of your teeth. The reality is that the older you get, the more wear and tear your teeth will experience. 

Cavities must be addressed immediately because those over the age of 65 are very susceptible to them because of the natural weakening of the enamel. While you can’t slow down this process you can help by brushing and flossing regularly and taking advantage of fluoride found in toothpaste and mouthwash. 

For many seniors, medications become a part of their routine because as you age, you will face more health problems. While medication helps, it also impacts your oral health because it causes dry mouth, which is a common side effect. Lack of saliva will cause your mouth to feel uncomfortable, lead to bad breath, cause difficulty swallowing and increase the risk for tooth decay, cavities and gum disease. Drinking more water is important and will help with these issues. 

As you age, it’s also common to experience reduced nerve sensitivity, making it more difficult to detect pain or discomfort. This means that a problem may become a lot worse before you are able to notice it and this is never good when it comes to oral health because early detection is crucial and can make a big difference. For this reason, regular checkups are extremely important so that your dentist can monitor your mouth and detect any problems you may not notice right away. This will also allow them to fix it before it gets worse. 

Brushing and flossing twice a day should be a mandatory part of your daily routine and as much as it helps to do this at home, professional cleaning by a reputable dentist will make a world of difference. Dentists can complete deep cleanings that you would not be able to do on your own and their knowledge allows them to detect problems early on. 

Vancity Dental is a wonderful dental clinic in Vancouver, BC, that can help keep your mouth and teeth healthy. They can also help with teeth whitening and offer Invisalign, so for all of your oral health needs, contact Vancity Dental today!

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