5 Stellar Reasons To Whiten Your Teeth

Everyone chooses to whiten their teeth for different reasons, and some may do it for confidence purposes or to show their smile at work or school. Everyone thinks that they have some features that are not good enough or things they wish they could change about themselves. As important as it is to be yourself and embrace your own body, when it comes to teeth, there is a way that you can make them look more healthy. Whitening your teeth gives you the chance to have the confidence wheel you are in public settings. You definitely will not be afraid of presentations at work or school anymore.

  • It’s an unfortunate fact, but as you age, so does your body. This means that your teeth will potentially wear down their enamel and become yellow. At the same time, some things are avoidable while aging; teeth whitening will help you improve the looks of your oral hygiene and health.
  • There are many times you will have to attend events. This is when you would feel stuck in a serious problem. There is nothing more upsetting than showing up to an event or celebration in a beautiful dress, suit or gown but having a smile that you are afraid to show. We think that your smile is what lightens up people’s days. That is why teeth whitening services help you gain back that confidence.
  • Make a positive impression with white and shiny teeth. This will help people know that you care about your self-image. People want to hire or be friends with people who know how to take care of themselves.
  • You have a chance to undo the past when you choose to do teeth whitening, especially if you were a person who did not take care of their oral hygiene or health. Many people tend to avoid brushing their teeth and doing basic things to keep them healthy. If you were one of these people, teeth whitening gives you the chance to start over and be more careful with your body.
  • You can get teeth whitening done to make yourself happy and confident. There is nothing more powerful than having the feeling that you are in control of your own life. White smiles can be nice for your career, or they can even make you feel less scared when presenting in front of classmates.

Teeth whitening services have become a larger trend in many adults, teens and even the elderly. Everyone deserves to have the confidence to build their lives and make a grand appearance at work, school or with friends. If you are looking for dentists or teeth whitening in Vancouver, contact Vancity Dental.

3 Tips For A Squeaky Clean Retainer

Those who have retainers know the hassle of having to clean their retainers almost every night, and this goes for all brace wearers out there. It is something which you might not have the energy to do when you have come to the end of an exhausting day, or even something which you don’t really want to do every night. So what are the alternative ways to have a clean retainer to wear every night? That’s something which many people like you may be wondering and is something which would definitely make your life easier. Having to worry about one less thing can give you the chance to take a breath and relax. 

  • Rinse your retainer with water. It can be as easy as turning on the tap and letting cool water run over your retainer to clean any gears of Slavia. After you take your retainer, you should clean it before putting it back in.
  •  Brush with toothpaste. Something which you use to clean your teeth every day can actually be used to clean your retainer. Believe it or not, your retainers hold plaque and bacteria from your own mouth, toothpaste works to clean your retainer just like it would with teeth. 
  • You can use baking soda to make sure your retainers are fully cleaned. Sometimes your retainers will start to appear as a yellow tint. This Is something that you want to avoid from happening, and fi does baking soda works well to clean any stains or any plaque buildup in your retainer.

When you use these tips to clean your own retainer, we can assure you that your teeth will be staying healthy and glowing. You want to make sure that you are taking care of your own retainer just as much as you would with your own teeth. If you are looking for dental clinics, teeth whitening, or a dentist office in Vancouver, BC, make sure to contact Vancity Dental.

Do Aligners Like Invisalign Hurt?

Aligners are a great way of achieving straighter teeth but a common concern that many people have is the pain aspect of these treatments. It is natural to wonder and worry about aligner discomfort and most people want to know if they hurt before proceeding with this treatment option.

While you may experience minor pain and some discomfort, the good news is that aligners are tolerable, and in most cases, the process can be easily managed. Aligners will cause your teeth to move, which is their intended purpose, and this can result in minor aches but it is bearable and the end results will be well worth some discomfort.

Knowing what to expect will help with the treatment, so if you are considering aligners like Invisalign, expect to deal with tooth movement and aligner fit, which can lead to tenderness and pressure, both of which are very common. Aligners cause your teeth to shift, so there will be some discomfort during the course of your treatment. Most people will only notice this pain when they take their aligners out and place them back in, as this might trigger that pain. It’s important to know that pressure is a good sign because it means your aligners are working. Minor discomfort means your aligners are doing their job, so do not be concerned when this happens because it takes a small amount of pressure for your teeth to realign. While it may not feel great, it is part of the treatment. Some people may also experience tongue and gum irritation if the edges of the aligner rub against your cheek, tongue or gums. You may experience irritation as a result but your orthodontist may be able to provide you with some recommendations to help find a solution.

Several aligners are needed during the treatment process and the pressure is usually at its greatest whenever you make the switch because of the discrepancy between the shape of your new aligner and the alignment of your teeth. This will cause you to feel some discomfort but over time, your teeth will start to shift and will conform to fit the aligner. Once this happens, your pain should subside and your mouth will begin to relax. The discomfort is the result of your teeth moving into their new positions so that you can have straighter teeth and a more beautiful smile.

When it comes to aligners like Invisalign, you will likely experience mild discomfort as opposed to pain but this discomfort will usually ease within a couple of days after your aligner tray change. Both the pressure and any tooth movement will decrease and the feeling of tightness will subside.

If you are interested in Invisalign treatment, Vancity Dental can provide you with more information. Our clinic will help you achieve a beautiful and healthy smile and our dentists can help with all of your dental needs, so if you are in Vancouver, BC, give our office a call today!

Invisalign is growing in popularity because it is a great alternative to traditional braces and provides patients with excellent results. Inblog1 - visalign can help you achieve a better smile by straightening your teeth and increasing your confidence.   In order to achieve the perfect smile, you must care for your teeth while wearing Invisalign so that there are no problems once the treatment is complete. The last thing you want to deal with is tooth decay, so you need to clean your teeth regularly and thoroughly to prevent this from happening. Waiting for straighter teeth is exciting but caring for your teeth is extremely important so that you can enjoy the results and show off your new smile. The following tips will help you care for your teeth properly while wearing Invisalign:

Remove your trays

One of the biggest differences between Invisalign and traditional braces is that Invisalign braces are removable, whereas regular braces are not. While it’s important to remove the trays only when necessary, removing them while eating is a must. This will ensure food does not get stuck, which can lead to problems. You should also remove your trays while you’re cleaning your teeth so that you can have access to every tooth and area inside your mouth. This can allow for a thorough cleaning because you’ll be able to get into all the hard-to-reach areas.

Brush your teeth normally

This is extremely important and you must continue brushing your teeth as you normally would. This means doing it twice a day using a soft-bristle toothbrush and a fluoride toothpaste to brush all of the surfaces of your teeth. Ideally, this should be done after every meal but if that is unrealistic, try drinking water every time you are done eating because this will help get rid of extra food on your teeth. Allowing carbohydrates to remain on your teeth may lead to tooth decay.

Don’t forget to floss

Flossing is equally as important as brushing, so you can’t forget to complete this step. Traditional braces can make this task difficult but Invisalign makes it a lot easier to do thanks to its removable design. Flossing can be easy to do and you will more than likely be able to remove all of the bits and pieces of food that are stuck in between your teeth.

Make sure you clean your trays

This is a very important step because it can prevent bacteria from accumulating on your trays while keeping your teeth free from excess foods as well. You can place the trays in a tub with cleaning crystals for 15-minutes at a time, which should leave your trays clean or you can ask your dentist for other cleaning methods.   If you are interested in Invisalign, Vancity Dental can provide you with more information. Our dental office can help you achieve the perfect smile, so whether you want teeth whitening treatments or are looking for reputable dentists in the Vancouver area, we can help! For the best dentists in all of BC, contact us today! Caring for Your Smile While Wearing Invisalign

Advantages Of Single-Tooth Dental Implants

Unfortunately, losing one or two adult teeth is a common, unfavourable part of ageing. This is a frustrating occurrence and can extend beyond being just a cosmetic issue to a painful, daunting oral health issue. Failing to have the missing tooth replaced can cause further damage. That is why many choose to have a single-tooth dental implant procedure to replace the missing tooth to restore their smile, confidence and oral health.

If you have lost a tooth or need to have one extracted, it is important to understand how and why a single-tooth dental implant is a viable solution for you.

Single-Tooth Dental Implants Explained

Dental implants are an effective, long-term solution for missing or extracted teeth. The dental treatment involves the use of a titanium rod that is fastened into the jaw in the remaining hole from the extracted or missing tooth. Joined to the top of the titanium rod is a “saddle” for a crown. The crowns are custom-fitted and applied to the area perfectly and the colour of the implant successfully matches the shade of the rest of your natural teeth. Single-tooth dental implants are so popular and successful because it is a quick procedure that can be completed in one dental appointment.

Advantages of Single-Tooth Dental Implants

Single-tooth dental implants and dental implants, in general, offer several benefits compared to other teeth replacement treatments. Here are a few of the advantages of this dental implant procedure:

  • Improved Speech: When you lose a few teeth or have dentures that do not fit your mouth properly, you may find yourself slurring your words or mumbling. Dental implants will not slip in your mouth to cause you to slur as the implant is anchored in.
  • Improved comfort: Having a hole in your mouth can make the area susceptible to bacteria and foods, which can build-up inside and cause an infection. The single-tooth implant is secured into the area which eliminates your discomfort and prevents the disease from developing.
  • Easier eating: It can be difficult to chew properly and comfortably with missing teeth and irritate the hole where the tooth used to be. Chewing can be extremely difficult and uncomfortable, but with the dental implant that functions exactly like the rest of your teeth, you can enjoy eating your favourite foods without a problem.
  • Convenience: Removable dentures are an annoyance because they are removable! Anchored down, durable dental implants stay secured so you do not have to worry about them falling out when you are eating or speaking. You also do not have to be worried about the messy adhesives that dentures require to keep them secured.


Vancity Dental is a comprehensive dentist clinic in Vancouver, BC, committed to providing our patients with full-service dental care. From general, restorative, cosmetic and emergency dental care, our dental clinic covers it all! Our team of dental professionals is committed to enhancing your smile, improving your oral health and helping you achieve optimal dental health every day! Book your appointment with us today.

Related: What are Invisalign Attachments?

The Benefits of a Single-Tooth Dental Implant

If you’re missing a tooth and are looking for a long-lasting solution, then consider talking to your dentist about dental implants. A single procedure will result in decades of smile relief. The number of benefits that come with having a dental implant placed in your mouth is astonishing and we’re here to share those with you today.

A Natural Smile

One of the main reasons patients want dental implants is to improve their smile. A missing front tooth can make someone feel insecure about their smile, which is why dental implants are shaped and coloured to fit seamlessly into the mouth. No one will be able to tell the implant from the real teeth.

Reinforced Bite

As a dental implant is anchored into your jawbone, you don’t have to worry about accidentally shifting it when eating an apple or other hard food. You can chew confidently during a meal, using the same amount of pressure as you would with your other teeth.

Prevents Facial Sag

This might not be as prominent when replacing a single tooth as it would be with a larger section of teeth, but your face will shift slightly when you lose a tooth, especially over time. You don’t have to worry about the entire structure of your face changing from one or two lost teeth but it’s better to have them replaced anyway to prevent slight shifting.

Simple to Clean

You don’t have to worry about giving your dental implant special treatment when it comes to cleaning. In fact, as long as you brush your teeth and floss on a regular basis (two times a day), then your implant will be fine.

Prevents Cavities

As artificial teeth are typically made for porcelain or ceramic, not an organic material, you won’t have to worry about cavities growing in the dental crown. However, that doesn’t mean that cavities won’t grow in the rest of your natural teeth, so it’s still important to practice good oral hygiene.

Won’t Slip Out

It’s often the fear with false teeth that they’ll fall out at the most embarrassing times. However, when you have a dental implant, the mechanism itself is drilled and secured into your jaw bone. The artificial tooth that’s displayed above the gum line will be screwed into the implant, making it impossible for the tooth to fall out or shift.

Supports the Surrounding Teeth

While initially having a missing tooth won’t disrupt the surrounding teeth, that won’t be the case for long. Eventually, the teeth around the gap will begin to shift, causing misalignment. Getting a dental implant will keep your remaining teeth, and your overall smile, straight.

Named the best cosmetic dentists in Vancouver, Vancity Dental is packed with highly trained professionals that are dedicated to making your treatment as comfortable as possible. Located in Vancouver, British Columbia, our dental clinic provides services like general cleaning, teeth whitening, cosmetic and restorative dentistry, dental implants and more to new and current patients. Call us today or visit our website to book your appointment.

Related: What Conditions May be Linked to Oral Health

The Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening

While we know the obvious benefit of teeth whitening is that your teeth become whiter with each treatment, there are other benefits specific to getting your teeth professionally whitened that we’re about to dive into.

Strong Whitening Experience

If you’re looking for a thorough teeth whitening treatment that hits all your target areas and concerns in a short amount of time, then going to a professional is your best option. Just as getting your teeth cleaned at your dentist in a more intense experience than simply brushing at home, the same goes for teeth whitening. Effective and quick results are guaranteed when you go to a reputable source.

Customized Treatment for You

It’s ‘one size fits all’ when you invest in store-bought teeth whitening kits. It’ll never provide you with the perfect fit, no matter how many products you try. This is why having your teeth whitened by a professional will provide you with the best outcome. They’ll personally customize each aspect of the treatment to your specifications.

Safe Treatment

Whitening your teeth at home holds a higher risk of damage than having them professionally done. Over-the-counter whitening strips and kits are strong, and as they aren’t placed precisely on the teeth, you can easily cause damage to your gum tissues. If used frequently, you’ll also wear down your tooth’s enamel and cause sensitivity. As enamel can’t be regrown, it’s important you go to a dentist to have this treatment done for the best results.

Grooming Method

It’s a simple way to appear put together on a daily basis without actually needing to be done every single day. Whitening your teeth every day can damage your enamel and weaken your teeth. So don’t go overboard with the whitening strips.

Makes You Look Successful

Flashing your bright smile without reserve is a sign of confidence. Whether you need a boost at work or in your personal life, getting your teeth professionally whitened will tell others that you care about yourself and your appearance. There’s a reason why highly successful individuals take the time to get their teeth whitened. Brighter teeth also make you seem more trustworthy and dependable, which is definitely something that can impact your career in a positive way.

Mentally Happy and Healthy

Having a whiter and brighter smile is a cause for celebration! In the form of smiling more that is. Research has shown that smiling more can actually affect how happy you’re feeling, raising your serotonin levels in some cases. Properly taking care of your teeth and keeping them pearly white is also a sign of mental clarity and is usually accompanied by healthy gums.

If you’re looking for a highly experienced dental practice located in Vancouver, British Columbia, then Vanity Dental is the place to go! With a staff that’s dedicated to providing a comfortable and efficient experience and customized treatments specific to each patient, what’s stopping you from making an appointment? Our dentists offer services that include general cleaning, teeth whitening, cosmetic dentistry, dental implants and more. Call us today or visit our website to book your next check-up.

Related: Teeth Whitening Secrets You Never Knew

Partial Dentures: What to Expect After Getting Them

Partial dentures are a great option if you are looking to fill a few gaps in your current smile and obtain the teeth you’ve always wanted. Partial dentures are fully removable and the dental apparatus simply attaches to your existing teeth. It is also more cost-effective than permanent implants which can cost a fortune.

If partial dentures are something you are considering, here are a few things you can expect after getting them.

They will feel a little strange initially until you get used to having something new in your mouth. As they are an addition, it will take time for the partial dentures to feel natural. It is normal for them to feel bulky at first but over time, they will feel perfectly fine and comfortable. It is also very normal for you to have to practice putting them in and removing them until you figure out how to do so without forcing them in place or inserting them too roughly. The last thing you want is to bend or break the attachments!

Eating will also be tricky at first, but over time, it will feel completely normal. Once your partial dentures are in place, it would be wise to start with soft foods that can be cut into small pieces until you get the hang of it and can go back to your regular food routine. Avoid hard foods until you’re ready and if necessary, you can use a little bit of adhesive if you like to help the dentures stay in place. Your dentist will provide you with all the necessary information regarding this matter and as long as you follow the instructions, you will be just fine!

Some people will experience difficulty with their speech as with the other aspects mentioned above, this too will fade over time and you will feel comfortable talking again in a short period of time. A great trick is to read out loud to yourself and practice words you are having difficulty with and you will see that you will be speaking comfortably again in no time!

While you can sleep with your partial dentures in place, it is a better idea to remove them at night so that your gums can relax and you can insert them again in the morning. Placing the dentures in water or a solution overnight will help maintain its shape. Cleaning your dentures is always a good idea. In fact, you could say it’s a must. This will ensure the longevity of the dentures as well as good hygiene which is always a plus.

Vancity Dental will help you get the smile you have always wanted! If you are looking for a dentist or a new dental clinic in the Vancouver area, then Vancity Dental is who you need to contact! Whether you require cleaning, dentures, crowns or implants, they will take care of all your dental needs! Don’t waste any more time and give them a call today so you can start showing off your beautiful smile! You can visit their new dental clinic, which is located in Vancouver, BC.

5 Signs a Toothache is More than Just a Toothache

Pain radiating throughout your mouth, whether it’s minor or almost paralyzing, isn’t a condition anyone should live with. It can be and usually is, an indication of something worse going on beneath the surface. As bad oral hygiene can lead to problems that affect your overall health, it’s important to see your dentist as soon as possible if you’re experiencing a toothache. Not sure if the ache in your mouth is something to be worried about? Then read more to find out which five signs indicate that your toothache is something that needs to be treated.

Tooth Sensitivity

The sharp pain felt from eating foods that are too hot or cold is an indication that you have sensitive teeth. In extreme cases, tooth sensitivity can occur from cold air exposure. This symptom can be a tell-tale sign of several oral problems, including cavities, gum recession, an abscess or simply brushing your teeth too aggressively.

Occasional Stabbing Pain

If you’re experiencing stabbing pain in one or more teeth, then you’ve got more than just a minor toothache on your hands. This pain is usually in response to action, such as opening and closing your mouth, chewing, eating extreme temperature foods and more. This is likely due to the presence of a cavity, crack in the tooth or abscess.

Pain While Eating

Constant pain while eating can be an indication of a broken or cracked tooth or decay. While this discomfort can be treated with over the counter pain medication for a certain amount of time, it’s definitely not a long-term solution. An infection can occur and result in severe dental problems. It will get worse over time, guaranteed, so call your dental professional immediately.

Dull Pain

A throbbing sensation in a tooth and its surrounding areas are hints that you’re experiencing dull tooth pain. This sensation can range from slightly annoying to unbearable. Dull, consistent tooth pain can be the result of a cavity or gum disease. If left untreated, you’ll find that everyday chewing will become increasingly unpleasant.

Back Jaw Aches

This is unlike other toothache pain, as an ache in the pack of your jaw is usually a sign that you’re experiencing an impacted wisdom tooth, which is a very common issue. An impacted tooth occurs when a tooth can’t push through your gums because it’s blocked by another tooth. The gum above your impacted wisdom tooth can get infected and result in severe health issues, so don’t leave it untreated.

At Vancity Dental, our staff is dedicated to making sure you and your family are comfortable and at ease during your visit with us. Our expert team is ready to provide you with the treatments you need to ensure a healthy mouth. Our services include cosmetic and general dentistry, teeth whitening, emergency care, dentures, dental implant procedures and more. This Vancouver dental clinic is open to new patients, so call or go online today to book your appointment.

Related: Plaque-What is it? And How to get rid of it?

Taking Care of Braces

Having braces comes with a lot of responsibility when it comes to properly take care of them and, by extension, your teeth. Now more than ever, having good oral hygiene is important to keep your teeth healthy, disease and pain-free. If you’ve just got a set of braces implanted, or are about to, then here are a few tips for taking care of them.

Proper Cleaning

Plaque, food particles and bacteria are easily trapped in the metal frames of the braces and teeth. This means that, because of the barrier now present, flossing and brushing requires a bit more finesse then what you may be used too. When brushing with braces, hold your brush at a 45-degree angle to clean around the wire and pins that make up your braces. Do this at least twice a day, or after every meal as dental professionals recommend. Removing food debris may pull on the braces, causing them to detach from the tooth, so be careful.

Flossing is a must when you have braces, as so much can get stuck in your teeth that a toothbrush won’t be able to reach. Floss once a day to ensure a healthy mouth and remove built-up plaque and food. There are many options in terms of flossing tools that work between the wires of your braces. Flossing tape and threaders are available in pharmacies or supplied by your orthodontist or dentist to make the process easier.

Foods to Avoid

Certain foods need to be avoided completely to protect the integrity of your braces from damage or detachment. Foods like popcorn, chewing gum, nuts, sticky candies, tough meats and hard foods like the whole, raw fruits and vegetables, can get stuck in your braces, cause soreness in your gums and jawline, or ruin the structure entirely.

Dark coloured beverages like coffee, tea, wine and so on will leave stains on the visible tooth surface if not properly removed through brushing. Because part of your tooth is covered by the brace, that section will not be affected by staining, which will cause discolouration across the tooth once the braces are removed. Either avoid these drinks entirely or brush your teeth after consuming them.

If you’re a nail biter or make a habit of chewing on pencils and other hard materials, you’ll need to stop, as this too can damage your braces.

Regular Orthodontist Visits

You can discuss any problems you may be having or any future concerns during an orthodontic visit. This is also where your orthodontist should properly clean your teeth and adjust your braces. You’ll probably feel a tightness in your mouth or pain in your teeth after an adjustment. This is normal, as your teeth are being pulled unnaturally. The pain shouldn’t last for more than a day or two, but if it gets worse or lasts for a while, contact your orthodontist.

Regular check-ups with your orthodontist don’t replace visiting your dentist. Regular check-ups are necessary to make sure you haven’t developed any cavities or show signs of gum disease.
At Vancity Dental, our highly experienced staff dedicated to making you comfortable and relaxing during your visit. Located in Vancouver, BC, we provide treatment plans that are customized specifically for you. With services that include general cleaning, whitening, cosmetic and restorative dentistry, Invisalign, dental implants and more, call or go online to book your appointment.